OM: An important decision is already awaiting Gattuso

More than a week after Marcelino’s departure, OM have finally found their next coach: Gennaro Gattuso. The Italian, aged 45, convinced the Marseille leaders to choose him and should already be on the Marseille bench this Sunday, against Monaco. Jacques Abardonado, who had acted as interim until then, is expected to stay at the club and await Gattuso’s decision regarding his future role.

LOON is gradually emerging from the crisis in which the club was plunged since the start of last week. Jacques Abandonado will end his interim and his results will have been contrasted with a spectacular draw against l’Ajax Amsterdam in Ligue Europa (3-3) before the humiliation at the Parc des Princes against the PSG (0-4) last Sunday. The French technician will be replaced by Gennaro Gattuso.

OM satisfied with Abardonado

According to information from RMC Sport, the attitude and professionalism of Jacques Abandonado would have greatly pleased the Marseille leaders who plan to make him stay at the club. Previously, he played the role of interpreter and assistant coach with Marcelino but had also worked with young people at the training center since his arrival at the club in 2016. But his case should be studied by the Marseille management and Gennaro Gattuso, who should have the last word regarding his future…

Gattuso will have the last word

Now that Gennaro Gattuso arrives to take charge of the first team loon, it remains to define the role that would have Jacques Abardadonado. According to RMC Sport, Abandoned would have declared to the club that he remained available, whether to be on the new coach’s staff again or to return to the reserve or to the training center. The media informs that a discussion will take place between the Marseille management and Abandoned to study his case and that the new Italian coach will then decide the future of the former interim coach.

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