Questioned in the documentary “I am not a slut, I am a journalist” directed by Marie Portolano, journalist Amaia Cazenave was disowned by the courts. Enough to provoke strong reactions.
Rugby journalist at Radio France, Amaia Cazenave did not hesitate to testify in the documentary “I’m not a slut, I’m a journalist” directed by Marie Portolano, denouncing the inappropriate behavior of some of her colleagues. A few months later, she resigned, pointing the finger once again “sexist and inappropriate remarks”.
She then turned to the Paris industrial tribunal, demanding in particular 340,000 euros from Radio France in damages and compensation. But the journalist, who now works at Le Parisien and Canal +, was dismissed, the judges considering that the radio had “not committed no serious breach against him “. Worse, the judges considered that Amaia Cazenave had “ actively and grossly contributed to the sexist work environment ».
On say quoi? Marie Portolano
This judgment did not fail to arouse strong reactions. Notably from Pascale Lagorce, editor-in-chief at France 3 Occitanie and married to a former colleague of Amaia Cazenave. “Accusations of sexism at Radio France: Amai Cazenave sharply dismissed. You have wrongly accused people including the father of my three children. This is unforgivable! And it needs to be known! #Rugby Values what…”, she wrote on Twitter.
Journalist at The teamSébastien Tarrago a, lui, I questioned Marie Portolano. « On dit quoi ? Marie Portolano », he wrote, supported by Thierry Vildary, reporter at Stade 2. “Ah yes, that’s true! “, echoed the one who had denounced the treatment reserved for his former colleagues after Clémentine Sarlat’s accusations of sexism.