The new OM coach found? He comes out of the silence

If Jacques Abardonado is currently acting as OM coach, the question is who will be chosen by Pablo Longoria to take over the Marseille club. In recent hours, the Jaime Pacheco option has gained momentum. And now the Spanish coach of Pyramids FC has confirmed OM’s interest and his intention to join the Marseille club.

Interim coach of theOM, Jacques Abardonado will soon leave his place on the bench of the Marseille club. But to whom? Still president, Pablo Longoria is therefore working on the issue and it is in Egypt that theABOUT could find his new coach. Indeed, according to the latest reports, an offer would have been made to Jaime Pachecocurrently on the bench of the club Pyramids FC.

“There is already an official offer”

And that’s it Jaime Pacheco spoke out regarding the rumor sending him to the benchABOUT. Firstly, contacted by Btolatthe coach of Pyramids FCconfirmed the offer from the Marseille club: “ An interest from OM? Yes, there is already an official offer ».

” I want to go “

But that’s not all. Jaime Pacheco then announced that he had informed his management to pack his bags to join theABOUT. « I want to go. I informed the club president that I wanted to leave after the next match », continued the Spaniard, who could manage his last match in Egypt this Monday.

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