France TV (DR) / TF1 (DR)
Par Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist
Having become a highly publicized figure with the success of the last season of “Star Academy”, of which he was the director, Michaël Goldman sees many questions asked of him about his father Jean-Jacques, always so discreet. One of the most recurring is the one which implies that Lucie Bernardoni’s companion was targeted because of his last name. A subject on which he spoke once, and clearly.
The appearance does not deceive, nor does the calm and intonation of the voice: yes, Michaël Goldman is one of Jean-Jacques Goldman’s children, and he carries it with him. However, the man is not the type to talk about this lineage which could have been embarrassing for some. It is therefore in his corner that he built his career, as an accomplished producer and entrepreneur.
Despite everything, it was indeed as director of the new version of “Star Academy” that the forty-year-old really made himself known to the general public. And if his image is overall very positive, a question inevitably arises, particularly in the eyes of his detractors: has he been boosted, or has a royal path been paved for him, because of his father?
Michael Goldman cash on being “son of”
In an interview given to Capital, the main person concerned did not speak in plain language. He concedes “of course” that this is an advantage, but notes that this advantage is not enough in itself:
Of course it’s an asset. They look at you like a curious animal, you attract attention and they give you the right to speak. But if you’re bad, it won’t work any better!
It is therefore above all because he has run his boat well, and not necessarily because his name is Goldman, that the boss of “Star Ac” has built a nice empire in the middle of the music, notably with My Major Company. However, this is not enough to make him have a big head, quite the contrary!
Like his father, Michaël Goldman is not the type to get lost in useless artifice. His recipe for happiness is simple: work on the one hand, and an increased sense of family on the other. This is what he explained in this same interview, allowing a rare foray into his daily life and his way of thinking:
Sacrificing nothing requires considerable energy. Sometimes we fail or are less good. We must be able to lean on our loved ones. […] And I do the same for them. In the morning, after taking my daughters to school, I can’t wait to go to the office. And in the evening, I stop when I can’t take it anymore. But it’s effortless.
Discreet like his father, Michaël Goldman is not the type to launch into long tirades about anything, and even less about his father. And while he doesn’t deny that having that famous last name helped him launch his career, he certainly doesn’t want people to believe that being called Goldman exempts you from being a gifted and successful entrepreneur and businessman. effective. That’s what it says!