In the viàMidol show, Richard Dourthe, 1999 world vice-champion, discussed the case of Antoine Dupont, currently injured but who could return for the final phase if the Blues are qualified.
It’s impossible not to talk about Antoine Dupont when talking about the daily life of the XV of France in recent days. Injured cheekbone against Namibia, operated on for a maxillo-zygomatic fracture Friday night, the captain of the XV of France has not said his last word in this World Cup. In your daily show viàMidol – every evening from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. live on viàOccitanie and on Rugbyrama – Richard Dourthe, former French international and vice-world champion in 1999, returned to the state of health of the French genius.
Would it be too big a risk to see him play in a quarter-final if the Blues qualify? The former Dax center thinks his physical condition could work against him: “Antoine Dupont at 60-70% will remain a good player, but we expect Dupont to be an alien on the pitch”thinks the Canal + channel consultant.
A debate which made our specialist journalists react. For Arnaud Beurdeley, special correspondent for the Blues since the start of the competition: “even at 60%, Antoine Dupont reassures his partners.” “Isn’t Dupont, even at 60 or 70%, above the rest given the gap between it and its competitors?” Arnaud Beurdeley still wonders.
For Pierre-Laurent Gou, “he reassures his partners. His presence is almost as important as his performance. The Toulouse colony which has, more or less, imposed Antoine Dupont as captain of the French team and in Toulouse, is counting on him. If he is absent for the quarter-final, the French will not enter the field calmly. Whatever the opponent.”